Alexandru D. Apps

The Book of General Knowledge 2.3
Alexandru D.
Thousands upon thousands of fun facts at your fingertips!
Learn Spanish easy and fun 1.2
Alexandru D.
Hundreds of words, grammar exercises, theory, tests, conversationsand many more
My toolbox 1.3
Alexandru D.
This is the pro version of the app with thesame name. It has over 11 different functions that transforms yourphone into a light yet reliable toolbox. Some of them use thesensors in your device and for this reason the results might beslightly different from one phone to another, depending on itsquality.The functions are as follows:1) A calculator, useful for anyone that has to deal with numbersfrom time to time.2) Flashlight - it turns your full-size screen into a torch! Italso can flicker in different colors and at various speeds.3) Bubble level - to measure angles, letting you selecting areference (horizontal, vertical etc)4) Alarm - a reliable alarm clock that wakes you up using adifferent ringtone every time, from the ones you have in yourcellphone5) Compass - feeling lost? Have a look and find where the Northis. Or South, East or West for that matter.6) Stopwatch - run, baby, run!7) Recorder - audio records up to 60 minutes at a time.8) Ruler - in inches and centimeters9) Accelerator - shows how fast you device is going.10) Countdown - baking something and want to be sure you won'tforget about it? Use this timer!11) Counter - perfect to count the sheep when you go tosleep.It does not contain any kind of ads, is small, it goes directlyto the external card and it works 100% offline. For more appsplease check out our page. Have fun!
BAC Geografie 1.3
Alexandru D.
Bac geografie vine in sprijinul celor care dauanul acesta bacalaureatul (sau capacitatea) la geografie. Aplicatiade fata contine teste de genul celor cu care elevii se vorconfrunta la examen (existand patru tipuri diferite de teste: cuharti mute, unde elevii trebuie sa identifice pe harta o serie deorase, rauri si unitati de relief; teste de tip grila, cu mai multevariante de raspuns, utilizatorii putand alege cate intrebari sacontina fiecare test, teste de tip competitie, unde aveti ladispozitie o singura viata pentru a raspunde corect la 50 deintrebari si teste care va ajuta sa memorati orasele tarii,altitudinea unor varfuri si asa mai departe). Pe langa teste,aplicatia mai contine si programa de Bac, precum si cateva harti sitabele care sa va ajute sa luati examenul.Aplicatia este gratuita, functioneaza 100% offline, se adreseazain special elevilor si studentilor, se instaleaza direct pe cardulextern si este foarte usor de folosit.Daca v-a placut si doriti sa cumparati varianta pro (carecontine mai multe intrebari, teste si harti), puteti sa oachizitionati la pretul de 1 euro (aproximativ 5 lei) de pe GooglePlay.Spor la invatat!Bac geography comes insupport of giving this year baccalaureate (or ability) togeography. Present application contains the kind of tests thatstudents will face in the exam (there are four different types oftests: the moving map, where students have to identify on the map anumber of cities, rivers and relief units, multiple choice testswith multiple response options, users can choose how many questionscontain each test, test type competition where you have the onelife to correctly answer 50 questions and tests that help you storearound the country, the altitude of tips and so on). Besidestesting, the application also contains the Bac program and severalcharts and tables to help you take the exam.It's free, it works 100% offline, especially targets pupils andstudents, installs directly on your external and is very easy touse.If you like and want to buy the pro version (which containsseveral questions, tests and maps), you can purchase at the priceof 1 euro (about 5 USD) on Google Play.Spor taught!
The book of knowledge pro 2.3
Alexandru D.
Thousands upon thousand of intriguing facts.
My toolbox free 1.5
Alexandru D.
This is the free but full version of the appwith the same name. It has over 11 different functions thattransforms your phone into a light yet reliable toolbox. Some ofthem use the sensors in your device and for this reason the resultsmight be slightly different from one phone to another, depending onits quality.The functions are as follows:1) A calculator, useful for anyone that has to deal with numbersfrom time to time.2) Flashlight - it turns your full-size screen into a torch! Italso can flicker in different colors and at various speeds.3) Bubble level - to measure angles, letting you selecting areference (horizontal, vertical etc)4) Alarm - a reliable alarm clock that wakes you up using adifferent ringtone every time, from the ones you have in yourcellphone5) Compass - feeling lost? Have a look and find where the Northis. Or South, East or West for that matter.6) Stopwatch7) Recorder - audio records up to 60 minutes at a time.8) Ruler - in inches and centimeters9) Accelerator - shows how fast you device is going.10) Countdown - baking something and want to be sure you won'tforget about it? Use this timer!11) Counter - perfect to count the sheep when you go tosleep.It you like the app and want to support me you can buy the proversion. It has the same functions, but is a bit smaller, itrequires less permissions and it has no ads.
BAC Geografie 2014 pro 1.0
Alexandru D.
Aceasta este varianta pro a aplicatiei cuacelasi nume si vine in sprijinul celor care dau anul acestabacalaureatul (sau capacitatea) la geografie. Aplicatia de fatacontine teste de genul celor cu care elevii se vor confrunta laexamen (existand patru tipuri diferite de teste: cu harti mute,unde elevii trebuie sa identifice pe harta o serie de orase, raurisi unitati de relief; teste de tip grila, cu mai multe variante deraspuns, utilizatorii putand alege cate intrebari sa continafiecare test, teste de tip competitie, unde aveti la dispozitieintre 1 si 7 vieti pentru a raspunde corect la 50 de intrebari siteste care va ajuta sa memorati orasele tarii, altitudinea unorvarfuri si asa mai departe). Pe langa teste, aplicatia mai continesi programa de Bac, precum si cateva harti si tabele care sa vaajute sa luati examenul.Spre deosebire de varianta gratuita, cea de fata contine maimulte teste si intrebari (peste 3000 in total), precum si mai multeharti si tabele. Nu necesita niciun fel de permisiuni si nu contineniciun fel de reclame.Aplicatia costa 1 euro, functioneaza 100% offline, se adreseazain special elevilor si studentilor, se instaleaza direct pe cardulextern si este foarte usor de folosit.Spor la invatat!This is the pro versionof the application with the same name and support to those who givethis year baccalaureate (or ability) to geography. Presentapplication contains the kind of tests that students will face inthe exam (there are four different types of tests: the moving map,where students must identify on the map a number of cities, riversand relief units, multiple choice tests with multiple responseoptions, users can choose how many questions included in each test,test type competition where you have available between 1 and 7lives to correctly answer 50 questions and tests that help youstore around the country, altitude of the peaks and so on). Inaddition to testing, the application also includes the ferryschedule and several charts and tables to help you take the exam.Unlike the free version, the front contains several tests andquestions (over 3000 in total), and several maps and tables. Itdoes not require any permissions and does not contain anyadvertisements.The application costs 1 euro, works 100% offline, especiallytargets pupils and students is installed directly on the externalcard and is very easy to use.Spor taught!
Englisch lernen schnell pro 1.3
Alexandru D.
Dies ist die kostenpflichtige Version der App.Anders als die meisten anderen Lern ​​Apps, enthält diese einesowohl Vokabular und Grammatik Informationen, sowie Tests, Quiz,Aussprache, Führungen, Übungen, Lernkarten und so weiter. ProbierenSie es versuchen, ich bin sicher, Sie werden es lieben!This is the paid versionof the app. Unlike most other educational apps, this one containsboth vocabulary and grammar information, as well as tests, quizzes,discussion, guides, exercises, flashcards, and so on. Try it a try,I'm sure you will love it!
Learn Spanish fun and easy pro 1.1
Alexandru D.
Hundreds of words, grammar exercises, theory, tests, conversationsand many more
Invata limba franceza pro 1.3
Alexandru D.
Aceasta este variata pro a aplicatieicuacelasi nume.Fata de varianta gratuita, aceasta contine mai multe cuvinte,maimulte lectii de gramatica, mai multe exemple, mai multeconversatiisi verbe conjugate.Nu mai astepta, descarca aplicatia si invata acumlimbafranceza!Aplicatia este in romana, are un design intuitiv si seinstaleazadirect pe cardul extern.Spor la invatat!This is the PRO versionofthe application with the same name.Compared to the free version, it contains more words,moregrammar lessons, more examples, more conversations andconjugateverbs.Do not wait, download the application and learn French now!The application is in Romanian, has a direct intuitive designandinstall external card.Spor taught!
Learn French the easy way 2.0
Alexandru D.
Tired of downloading tons of apps thatonlydeal with one single subject? Get this free app and learntheFrench pronunciation, grammar, words, conjugations,usefulsentences and much more! All in one single app.If you're a student, you are going to travel to France orsimplywant to learn French, than this app is for you!The app:- is free- it goes directly to the external card- it has more than 400 flashcards so you cal learn a basicFrenchvocabulary- it has a test to find out your level- it has over 100 verbs, each conjugates at 15differenttenses- it contains explained grammar rules and examples for the main4tenses- it has a conversation guide with over 100 sentences
Statele lumii 1.4
Alexandru D.
All countries of the world at your disposal in the hottest appgeography!
Test de inteligenta in romana 1.4
Alexandru D.
Find out which is your intelligence quotient?
Essential English Vocabulary 1.1
Alexandru D.
This is a vocabulary application that comestohelp the ones who want to pass tests such as IELTS, TOEFL orGRE.It contains 504 important words which are gathered in 42lessons(at the moment there are only 24 lessons in the app, but weareworking hard to make all 42 of them available in a month orso),each containing definitions, examples, exercises and gamesthatwill make the entire process of learning fun and easy. Therearealso tests that will check the progress of the users, sothelearning is guaranteed.Please note that a level of B1 or B2 is require in order tousethe application, as some vocabulary can be difficultforbeginners.
Hangman in English 3.1
Alexandru D.
Play the best vocabulary game!
Neuro Trainer 1.2
Alexandru D.
This free app contains 6 gamesspeciallydesigned to train your brain in order to obtain a betterscore atthe IQ tests. This games (2048, Sudoku, Go-moku, Puzzle,Hang manand Tic tac toe) helps you to develop your logicalreasoning,spacial imagination, math and mental abilities andproblem solvingskills.Have fun and get smarter playing!
Astronomie pro 1.0
Alexandru D.
Roam the world! Be a star among stars!
Invata engleza 2.5
Alexandru D.
Learn English simple, fast and free!
Learn English fast and easy! 1.5
Alexandru D.
Thousands of words, images, audio files, games, conversations andmore! All free
Find out your IQ 1.5
Alexandru D.
Find our your IQ. Free and reliable test! No subscription, no priorrequirements
Astronomie 1.2
Alexandru D.
Planets, moons, tests, journal, news and more!
Istorie 1.4
Alexandru D.
Roman history from ancient times until today.
Learn German fast & easy 1.1
Alexandru D.
Grammar, vocabulary, lessons, news, pronunciation guide and manymore in one app
Invata engleza pro 2.5
Alexandru D.
Vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, tests, articles etc. LearnEnglish now!
Statele lumii pro 1.1
Alexandru D.
Informatii, teste, harti, organizatii, clasamente si multe altele!